Saturday, 7 November 2015

Beauty is only Skin Deep

Skin Deep is my new track. This electronic house music was made without any kind of prejudice or self-assertion. Instead I just wanted to create something that differentiated from my latest productions.
The result was a music that although simple in its form still manages to stand out has one that can make my feelings arouse.

The track is divided in three parts, it start with a simple melodic bass that can be found throughout the entire track. In the second part the music develops in a progressive structure to a more classic house deep vibe with repetitive garage type sounds, when it reaches the third and final part both styles are combine into one culminating in a mixture that defines the groove of Skin Deep.

There is a kind of confident and forceful expression buried deep in this track that expresses my deepest feelings, views on the world of music, see if you can find them…

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