Sunday, 13 July 2014

A story that penetrates our soul

“voice_of_the_beast” it’s pure deep house music, an amazing genre that lately I’ve been viciously addicted. – Creatively speaking, of course.

There is something dark and cinematic in deep house that really touches me. It’s not an easy sound to describe because of the emotions that are subliminally attached to each creation.
This type of music has a very strong emotional effect. The relaxing vibe fills our minds with thoughts and dreams and the mystery that emanates each sound tells a story that penetrates our soul.

“voice_of_the_beast” uses a progressive technique that introduces each sound in a very harmonic way creating a wave that that grows into a force of feelings that open as the track progresses.

One of the most interesting pieces is the inclusion of a dark evangelic speech sample in one of the music breaks. This is homage to the 90’s underground music. Who doesn’t remember the amazing track “So Get Up” the 1993 track by the Portuguese house music production duo Underground Sound of Lisbon with words spoken by Ithaka, about "End of The World".

if you never heard this song, let me tell you that you are missing a very important piece of house music history.

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