Sunday, 3 August 2014

The right sample

And here we have a small production that slightly moves away of the path followed by latest music’s.

"the_right_sample" is a softer track that borrows inspiration from styles like Chillout and Jazz avoiding the more depressing sounds of deep house. The music is simple and short but nonetheless manages to create a sense of lightness that is often missing from my productions. I blame the feelings that are normally associated with summer.
I can almost imagine myself in a beach bar listening to this tune while drinking a cold beer and watching the sea.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

A story that penetrates our soul

“voice_of_the_beast” it’s pure deep house music, an amazing genre that lately I’ve been viciously addicted. – Creatively speaking, of course.

There is something dark and cinematic in deep house that really touches me. It’s not an easy sound to describe because of the emotions that are subliminally attached to each creation.
This type of music has a very strong emotional effect. The relaxing vibe fills our minds with thoughts and dreams and the mystery that emanates each sound tells a story that penetrates our soul.

“voice_of_the_beast” uses a progressive technique that introduces each sound in a very harmonic way creating a wave that that grows into a force of feelings that open as the track progresses.

One of the most interesting pieces is the inclusion of a dark evangelic speech sample in one of the music breaks. This is homage to the 90’s underground music. Who doesn’t remember the amazing track “So Get Up” the 1993 track by the Portuguese house music production duo Underground Sound of Lisbon with words spoken by Ithaka, about "End of The World".

if you never heard this song, let me tell you that you are missing a very important piece of house music history.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Moving Souls

"Moving Soul" is a deep cinematic house music that has a similar vibe to my previous production "act_good", although using a less conventional beat and a slower tempo.

In this track I’ve decide to experiment with some new techniques in order to create a more original music.
The minimal unconventional beat uses some voice elements has percussion tools, this gives some originality and also helps in create its unique personality.
The rest of the samples like basslines, synth and effects were pasted with the intention of creating a wave of mix sounds that gradually grow and carry the music to the next level.

The intention was to create a deep, moody, cinematic track that could touch the listener at some different levels. I believe that this goal was achieved and "Moving Soul" is a deep original House music.

Hope you enjoy,

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Repetition and admeasurement

“act_good”, is a deep, moody and cinematic house music that came to my mind as an act of rebellion in an attempt to free myself from the prejudices of house music.

This is a story of a man that every day walks in to the subway hoping that it takes him to a different place this time.
He is tired of walking in no direction, with the purpose of nothing, and the goal of continuing in repetition and admeasurement.
He reaches the end of the track and finds Himself lost in the standardization of life, performing the same moves over and over in a autism pattern that He cannot escape.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

First Steps

First Steps is my latest production. For this music I used some very unique samples which helped create a nice retro vibe.

This is probably my first music that doesn’t use a Bass loop on its main structure, instead and in order to create the same effect I use a very subtle Rhode loop which can be heard to almost the entire track.

There’s also a very persistent Jazzy chill out vibe that is given by some flute sounds and loops, this was included to give a more summerish on the beach type of thing, giving this track a somewhat commercial Ibiza vibe.

In order to break the track monotony, I’ve used a small trick. During the song and on three separate occasions a specific sample is raised two octaves up. The twist, although short, really helps give this track a very unique and sophisticated groove.

First Steps is a good track, one of those that by some strange consequences are created in a very fast and harmonic way and without almost any effort. I’m really happy with the end result especially because First Steps was my first music which arrived after a long period of time without being able to create a track that artistically I could be proud of.

Hope You enjoy,

Sunday, 13 April 2014

The day a man lost his balance

A man sits in a chair that lies in a room with four walls white as light. Nothing more exists, no doors, no windows and no sound, just four walls white as light.
Has he sits in the middle of this muted room an urge consumes him to stand up, and as he tries to do so he loses his balance and falls on the ground.

Now He lies on the ground unable to move. He unsuccessfully tries to stand on his feet but stubbornly loses his balance and keeps falling over and over.
Completely exhausted and lying on the ground he looks up and notices a small black dot perfectly placed in the middle of the ceiling.

The man looks around and notices the chair is gone and now nothing more exists, no doors, no windows, no chairs and no sound, just four walls white as light and a small black dot in the ceiling.
He stretches his arm up toward the ceiling and tries to reach that strange dark anomaly. This movement feels natural to him, familiar, and despite the abysmal distance the fact is that he manages to touch the dot.

Darkness absorbs him and he falls asleep.

A man sits in a chair that lies in a room with four walls black as night. Nothing more exists, no doors, no windows, and no sound just four walls black as night.

Hope You enjoy,

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Saturday, 8 March 2014

Out of the anonymity

“Freedom of Speech” is an old production that I created back in 2012, this track only now, 2 years after its creation, reaches out from the anonymity. The reason is simple, in that time I really didn’t think it had the material or vibe that I would like to be associated to “The Halfgame” image.

“Freedom of Speech” was mostly an experiment associated to a season mood. I just wanted to play with some new music techniques that I had just learn and was exited to see how it would sound in a more underground platform.

The almost 10 minute length that is this track makes it one of my longest productions ever, but that doesn’t seem to retract it from being a very immersive and interesting music. By the contrary it makes it more special and mysterious.

With a political vibe, winch was not intended, this music really stands out from all my other productions, not only because of its originality but also because of the deep grove that resonates throughout the entire track.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Goodbye to enter the dense rain

“goodbye” is my latest music production. This track was created in a weekend were the sun struggle to enter the dense rain. Because of that “goodbye” tends to sound a bit depressive and melancholic, but that is not all bad.

Divided in 3 parts this music starts with a simple beat complemented by a strong distorted bass riff. The harmonic pad that is heard was used to give body to the music and also create a dreamy feel.
The lead sound on this part is the spacey synth that really gives this music its distinct personality.
The second part starts at the music break and was created using some sax riffs, winch although similar in melodies helps break the music monotony.
The third and last part again uses the same spacey synth riff from the first part and is complemented with some percussion and guitar twists.

Diverting a little bit from my latest productions winch were mainly house inspired, “goodbye” is a more chill out and cinematic track. I really enjoyed all the creative process involving this music and I couldn’t be happier with the final result.

Hope You enjoy,

Sunday, 2 February 2014

New Year’s Resolution

If you’re anything like me, you must have indicted yourself with a New Year’s Resolution, mine apart from world peace and the end of world hunger was to produce more quality electronic music.

It might’ve been to hit a certain mood or vibe, create an original melody or develop a number of ideas in a day, etc. Whatever it was, I was getting to a bad start.

To break this tendency I committed myself in creating the most honest and pure music I could imagine.
For that I decided to think back to some of the most important lessons I’ve learned about music production, whether that was by listening to some of the most influential musicians or sitting alone staring at the computer screen as I tried to past the riffs in the most harmonic way I could.

Here are some methods and practices put to used from what I’ve learned from my past experiences, “Declaration”, a progressive house music that has a curious funky versus chill vibe.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

The Past the Future and Now

There is only past and future, present is an illusion that life created in order to give us hope so our actions although meaningless are necessary to be.

And here we are, the year is 2014, and as you read this words it’s a fact that they are already craved in the walls of the past and as hard you try there is no chance that they will ever be in your present.

And what about the future? We can only imagine, dream, and hope that our wishes and desires materialize in memories of the past, because…

… because there is no present.
