Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Setting the beat

Today I will seat the beat, or at least I’ll try.
They say that we know our inner self by experimenting. It’s common for people to say that they don’t like something without even trying once, being that food, movies, art or music.
In life I always try to keep an open mind, and with that philosophy I normally don’t take things for granted.
Today I will open my heart and express my feelings in the best way I possibly can. I’ll try to be even more open minded, more just, fair and in general good.

Said that I’ll leave you with another music creation. Set Beat its a simple funky club house music that I really enjoyed creating.

Although simple in its construction Set Beat took me a considerable amount of time to finish. Again when things get complicated I resort to one of my most important rules, KEEP IT SIMPLE. And guess what, it worked...
