Monday, 10 February 2014

Goodbye to enter the dense rain

“goodbye” is my latest music production. This track was created in a weekend were the sun struggle to enter the dense rain. Because of that “goodbye” tends to sound a bit depressive and melancholic, but that is not all bad.

Divided in 3 parts this music starts with a simple beat complemented by a strong distorted bass riff. The harmonic pad that is heard was used to give body to the music and also create a dreamy feel.
The lead sound on this part is the spacey synth that really gives this music its distinct personality.
The second part starts at the music break and was created using some sax riffs, winch although similar in melodies helps break the music monotony.
The third and last part again uses the same spacey synth riff from the first part and is complemented with some percussion and guitar twists.

Diverting a little bit from my latest productions winch were mainly house inspired, “goodbye” is a more chill out and cinematic track. I really enjoyed all the creative process involving this music and I couldn’t be happier with the final result.

Hope You enjoy,

Sunday, 2 February 2014

New Year’s Resolution

If you’re anything like me, you must have indicted yourself with a New Year’s Resolution, mine apart from world peace and the end of world hunger was to produce more quality electronic music.

It might’ve been to hit a certain mood or vibe, create an original melody or develop a number of ideas in a day, etc. Whatever it was, I was getting to a bad start.

To break this tendency I committed myself in creating the most honest and pure music I could imagine.
For that I decided to think back to some of the most important lessons I’ve learned about music production, whether that was by listening to some of the most influential musicians or sitting alone staring at the computer screen as I tried to past the riffs in the most harmonic way I could.

Here are some methods and practices put to used from what I’ve learned from my past experiences, “Declaration”, a progressive house music that has a curious funky versus chill vibe.
