Sunday, 18 August 2013

Bland Noise pleasantly gentle

“Bland Noise” smoothly touches the small suppressed senses in an agreeable and courteous way. This music has a dull and insipid vibe with a degree of sophistication that in a pleasant manner carries the listener to a state of relaxation.

At the same time this music can be either irritating or stimulating exhibiting no personal worry, embarrassment, or concern. Having little or no distinctive flavor. This track is somehow pleasantly gentle.

I’ve created this music in 2012, don’t remember exactly the date. My first impression when I finished producing 
“Bland Noise” was of surprise. The track was, in my opinion, very good and I couldn’t stop listening to her.

But as time went by I’ve started to become annoyed by the sounds that come out of her and before I realize I started do dislike the music.

In August 2013, almost by accident, I stumble in a small group of unfinished music’s and found, lost between them, “Bland Noise”.

Again that “surprise feel” hit me. This music was again pleasant to ear; it was even better, because now I was listening in a very pure a genuine way, as if I was listening for the first time. The small sounds and nuances were now more noticeable as if 
“Bland Noise” had been created by a different person entirely.

I wish I could listen to all of my music’s after a memory loss accident so I could purely appreciate and criticize as You can.
