Monday, 27 August 2012

Revelations - end of a cycle

“Revelations” closes the trilogy cycle of music productions inspired in a more commercial approach.
“Wolfmother”, “Filter” and now “Revelations” are my humble attempts of achieving a less alternative and a more appealing to the masses sound. My general idea is that I’ve accomplished my goal and the three music productions are somewhat a prove of that. They are easy to listen, danceable, commercial and at the same time original.

“Revelations” is a more mature music, in part due to the experience gain when working on “Wolfmother” and “Filter”.
The music structure is very similar and there were no major deviations to the previous formula, what makes the difference and set this music apart from the previous two are the small details that were implemented.

Some small nuances were added to give more deepness and body to it like low-end noises that are almost off tune and give a disconcerting and at the same time unique style, also the beat is more detailed and relies heavily on a afro vibe mixed with some filtered percussion sounds.
Throughout almost the entire music there’s a synth sound that changes tone like a wave up and down winch balances the music in perfect harmony, this sound is complemented by a lead synth that gives that French space vibe that I so much enjoy.

“Revelations” is a great way to end this cycle, one that gave me great pleasure and experience for my future music productions.

Hope You enjoy.
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Monday, 6 August 2012

Filter - Another commercial track

This will be the second music from a trio of electronic music productions that I’m currently working on. On my previous post I’ve showed the track “Wolfmother”, being that the first piece, a short and very commercial driven music.

“Filter” follows on the steps of “Wolfmother”, also attempting to create a more commercial and danceable tune, winch for me appears to be an almost impossible task. This time however I’ve tried to expand things a little bit and using the experience recently gain when creating “Wolfmother”, I’ve tried to create something more than just a commercial music and gave it my personal touch in order to produce an exciting and original vibe.

This approach resulted on “Filter”. This music relies heavily on a buildup technique winch is used to enable the creation of a memento that culminates, immediately after the big music break, in a explosion of sounds that tries to bring the dance floor to ecstasy.

I’m very proud with what I’ve accomplished and this track is certainly one of my favorites so far. “Filter” is a simple commercial, but at the same time, original track that I humbly present to you hoping you enjoy it as much as I.

Hope You enjoy.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Wolfmother - Dance Floor Music

It´s been a long time but here I am with another new production, “Wolfmother”. This will be the first post from a trio of music productions that I’m currently working on.

This time I’ve aimed for a more dance club type of music and I believed that I nailed it. As inspiration to this track I’ve used some French vibes reminiscent of artists like Daft Punk and Cassius and also included some 80’s touch winch is so popular nowadays.

This track relies mainly on simple but very happy tunes and some consistent breaks that serve as moment builder that helps carry the dance floor crowd to ecstasy. This commercial aspect was intended and was one of my main objectives since this type of production is not common on my portfolio and I wanted to see if I was able to create a more driven to the masses type of music.

I’ve concluded that it’s more difficult to do a commercial music that the more alternative ones that I usually create, nevertheless I’m very happy with the end result and hope to repeat this experience more times in the future.

For now I leave you with “Wolfmother” promising to come back soon with more stuff.

Hope You enjoy.